"A Village Church With A Heart For The World"

December 15, 2024

        Christ United Church, Lyn
Weekly Seeds

12 Perth St., Lyn, ON, K0E 1M0
(613)498-0281 (Phone)   (613)498-2589 (Fax)

lynunitedchurch@cogeco.net        www.lynunitedchurch.com          Follow on Twitter:  @Ch1United

White Gift Sunday: Will be held on December 22, 2024.  This year we are asking for cash donations to the Weekender Program for Kids, a local program that provides bags of consumable items for food-insecure children to take home every weekend. There are currently over 350 children enrolled in the Weekender lunch bag program, which has been quietly providing this valuable service in our community for 9 years. Donations can be brought and left in the White Gift Basket any Sunday between now and the 22nd, which is, appropriately, Christmas Sunday.

Christmas Eve Service:  Will be held at 2:00 p.m.  This will be the last service until

February 2, 2025.

Weekly Donation Envelopes:  If you currently use donation envelopes, the process for 2025

will be changing slightly.  Please pick up your package at the street entrance to the sanctuary. 

If you have any questions, please contact the office or Lois Leroux at 613-498-3225.

Address Changes:  Please let the office know if your address has changed so the information is correct for the tax receipts.  They will be mailed if the post office is operating or available to be picked up at the church.

Donating the Bulletin:  If you would like to donate the Sunday morning bulletin in memory

of a loved one or for any other reason, please let the office know.  Your message will be printed at the bottom of the bulletin emailed out to the congregation.  For example:  “This bulletin has been donated in memory of my ……, to celebrate the birth of……….etc.”.  The amount of the donation is entirely up to you.  Most people give me an envelope with a note telling me

what they want printed.

 Village Pump Café:  Open Tuesday mornings from 09:00 to 10:30.  Stop by for coffee, tea,

sweets and of course conversation. The boutique is open and there are plenty of books to browse through.

​​Walking Group:  Tuesday morning walking group for ladies in the village.  Join us in the parking lot at 9:30 am and we can walk and chat through the village.

Remembering Book:  There is a book, pictured above and kept in Fellowship Hall, that

you can write a note in remembering someone from now or long ago.  The donation

envelopes are in the pews in the sanctuary and the donation goes to the general fund.  If you want to give it in at the office I will write in the book for you and get your donation processed.

Bee’s Boutique has a variety of lap quilts displayed in Fellowship Hall.  An ideal Christmas gift for someone or for yourself !  Proceeds to general fund. $45.  

​The Bee’s Knees have put a prayer quilt by the baptism font. It is there for the congregation to use as needed. If you find yourself thinking or praying for someone, (maybe even yourself!) feel free to tie a tie or two.  Blessings Liz and Brenda

A warm thank you to everyone that assisted with the Bee’s Knees local outreach projects this past year.  The donated items and the generous monetary donations from members of the congregation, the Bee’s Knees ladies and the Outreach Team were very much appreciated. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Season.


Third Sunday of Advent
Blessings have may faces; so do the needs of those around us.  Let us rejoice in

what we have been given and look for others with whom we can share it.

 Regional Council Prayer Cycle - December 15, 2024

Prayers this week for a Community of Faith in the Region is for: 


  Office Hours:   Fridays from 9:00 till 2:00.  For assistance contact Lois Leroux, at home

613-498-3225, cell 613-803-8433 or 613-498-0281 (Church) and leave a

message or send an Email: lynunitedchurch@cogeco.net