Donating the Bulletin: If you would like to donate the Sunday morning bulletin in memory
of a loved one or for any other reason, please let the office know. Your message will be printed at the bottom of the bulletin emailed out to the congregation. For example: “This bulletin has been donated in memory of my ……, to celebrate the birth of……….etc.”. The amount of the donation is entirely up to you. Most people give me an envelope with a note telling me
what they want printed.
Village Pump Café: Village Pump Cafe will be open this coming Monday January 13 from 09:00 to 10:30. NOT Tuesday. Appointment came up that is not convenient to change. Thank you.
Walking Group: Tuesday morning walking group for ladies in the village. Join us in the parking lot at 9:30 am and we can walk and chat through the village.
Remembering Book: There is a book, kept in Fellowship Hall, that
you can write a note in remembering someone from now or long ago. The donation
envelopes are in the pews in the sanctuary and the donation goes to the general fund. If you want to give it in at the office I will write in the book for you and get your donation processed.