"A Village Church With A Heart For The World"

February 23, 2025

        Christ United Church, Lyn
Weekly Seeds

12 Perth St., Lyn, ON, K0E 1M0
(613)498-0281 (Phone)   (613)498-2589 (Fax)

lynunitedchurch@cogeco.net        www.lynunitedchurch.com          Follow on Twitter:  @Ch1United

Annual Meeting:  The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2025, in

Fellowship Hall, following worship.  Please bring sandwiches or treats as you are able. 

The Annual Report was emailed to all on February 5 & 6, 2025.  If someone you know would like a copy and does not have email, please let Lois Leroux know. 

Also, please bring your copy to the meeting.

 Village Pump Café:  Open Tuesday mornings from 09:00 to 10:30.  Stop by for coffee, tea, sweets and of course conversation. The boutique is open and there are plenty of books to browse through.


Walking Group:  Tuesday morning walking group for ladies in the village.  Join us in the parking lot at 9:30 am and we can walk and chat through the village.

Remembering Book:  There is a book,  kept in Fellowship Hall, that

you can write a note in remembering someone from now or long ago.  The donation

envelopes are in the pews in the sanctuary and the donation goes to the general fund.  If you want to give it in at the office I will write in the book for you and get your donation processed.

​March Calendar Quilt: March Calendar Quilt was won by #6 Georgina LaFirst.  Because all the squares were filled in so quickly, we are going to have another March Calendar Quilt.  $2.00 a square and the winner chooses a lovely tied quilt displayed in the hall.  Proceeds will be donated to a worthy cause. Thank you everyone ! 


Seventh  Sunday after Epiphany

Too often we get stuck in the muck of human things – doomscrolling, worrying about possessions, fretting over appearances.  Jesus tells those who listen to set our mind on the Divine – generosity and prayer, loving service and worship – and spend our time and resources making the work better for all.

Rural Churches of EOORC:  Saturday, March 1, 2025, 2-4 p.m. meet and greet the General Secretary, The Rev. Michael Blair.  See flyer on the bulletin board.

National Prayer Breakfast:  May 6, 2025.  See the flyer on the bulletin board for all the information.

Rideau Hill Camp:  Check the bulletin board for a poster about the camp and what it has to offer.


MARCH 4, 2025 - 4:30 – 6 P.M.





 Office Hours:   Fridays from 9:00 till 2:00.  For assistance contact Lois Leroux, at home

613-498-3225, cell 613-803-8433 or 613-498-0281 (Church) and leave a

message or send an Email: lynunitedchurch@cogeco.net